A Adjectives: List of adjectives starting with the letter A

Call it a writer's block or anything, sometimes copywriters need an adjective that starts with a particular letter. Here's a helpful list of English adjectives staring with the letter A:

April Fool's Day or April Fools' Day?

1st April is coming soon and creative teams of some agencies are busy creating the Fools' Day advertisements,  cards, mailers or pranks.

Here's a tip for those confused about the correct usage of the term:

April Fools' Day: CORRECT

April Fool's Day: INCORRECT
April Fools Day: INCORRECT

It is also known as All Fools' Day.

Got this interesting fact from Wikipedia:
Traditionally, in some countries such as Canada, New Zealand, the UK, Australia, Cyprus, and South Africa, the jokes only last until noon, and someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool" and taunted "April Fool's Day's past and gone, You're the fool for making one."

Kissan Tomato Seeds Ad

Loved the innovative ad by Kissan. They actually pasted packets of tomato seeds on the half page ad... more importantly, they approved the idea (if it was presented by an agency) and executed it!!!